California Native & Relatives (P)

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Photo unavailable PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Blue Springs'
Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon

Perennial: Evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. A seed strain from 1969 of the CA native P. heterophyllus. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Blooms: summer. Color: cobalt green buds open to vivid blue at maturity. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Electric Blue'
Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon

Perennial: Evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. Of the California native P. heterophyllus. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Blooms: summer. Color: intense gentian blue. Height: 18 inches. Width: 18-24 inches. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'GMR White'
Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon

Perennial: Evergreen. Related to CA native P. heterophyllus. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers, and fire. Border, container, and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: creamy buds open to white bells. Height: 18-30 inches. Width: 18-24 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6-10.

PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Magarita BOP', Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Magarita BOP'
Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon

Perennial: California native. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: sky blue-reddish purple. Height: 2'. Width: 3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate-dry. USDA Z6.

Photo unavailable PHACELIA californica
Rock Phacelia, California Phacelia, California Scorpionweed

Perennial Herb: Drought tolerant once established. Native to coastal N. Calif. & Oregon. Grows in chaparral, woodland, & coastal bluffs & grassland. Attracts bees, butterflies & pollinators. A food source for the Mission blue butterfly, endangered & native to San Francisco. Blms: spring-summer. Color: lav. to white. Ht: 6-18 in. W: 12-24 in. Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. (no water once est.). Good in a dry rockery, wildlife & prairie gardens. USDA Z6-10.

Photo unavailable PHACELIA campanularia
Desert Bells, Desert Canterbury Bells

Annual: California native. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. Showy, fast grower! Produces 1" wide, upward-facing, bell-shaped blooms atop branchy red stems in spring. The deep gentian blue flowers have white anthers & make the perfect standout in front beds, borders, containers or rock gardens. One of the few wildflower seeds that can grow into a good cut flower. Ht: 6-12". Exp.: full sun. Water: mod./dry. Needs good drainage, self-sows. USDA Z3.

PHYLA nodiflora 'Tesla' (Lippia repens 'Tesla'), Lippia, Frogfruit PHYLA nodiflora 'Tesla' (Lippia repens 'Tesla')
Lippia, Frogfruit

Perennial: Evergreen, deer, drought & fire toler. CA native. Part of Greenlee Meadow Collection. Very good lawn substitute, especially in difficult spots, can take foot traffic. Especially useful in heavy traffic areas & for erosion control. Ht: 2". Plant 2' apart for a quick, dense, creeping turf. Attracts bees, butterflies & other beneficials. Tolerates clay, sand & loamy soils. Blms: spring-fall. Blm color lav.-pk. Exp.: sun. Wtr: mod./dry. Z8.

PHYLA nodiflora 'Tesla' (Lippia repens 'Tesla'), Lippia, Frogfruit PHYLA nodiflora 'Tesla' (Lippia repens 'Tesla')
Lippia, Frogfruit

Perennial: Evergreen, deer, drought & fire toler. CA native. Part of Greenlee Meadow Collection. Very good lawn substitute, especially in difficult spots, can take foot traffic. Especially useful in heavy traffic areas & for erosion control. Ht: 2". Plant 2' apart for a quick, dense, creeping turf. Attracts bees, butterflies & other beneficials. Tolerates clay, sand & loamy soils. Blms: spring-fall. Blm color lav.-pk. Exp.: sun. Wtr: mod./dry. Z8.

PHYLA nodiflora 'Tesla' (Lippia repens 'Tesla'), Lippia, Frogfruit PHYLA nodiflora 'Tesla' (Lippia repens 'Tesla')
Lippia, Frogfruit

Perennial: Evergreen, deer, drought & fire toler. CA native. Part of Greenlee Meadow Collection. Very good lawn substitute, especially in difficult spots, can take foot traffic. Especially useful in heavy traffic areas & for erosion control. Ht: 2". Plant 2' apart for a quick, dense, creeping turf. Attracts bees, butterflies & other beneficials. Tolerates clay, sand & loamy soils. Blms: spring-fall. Blm color lav.-pk. Exp.: sun. Wtr: mod./dry. Z8.

POLYSTICHUM munitum, Western Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern POLYSTICHUM munitum
Western Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern

Fern: Evergreen, clumping habit. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Good for woodlands, beds, along house walls, ground cover, borders, containers and for cut foliage. Shiny dark green leathery foliage with toothed edges. Native from AK to MT & CA. Height: 2-6 feet. Exposure: shade (coastal sun is okay). Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z3-9.

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