California Native & Relatives (A)

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Photo unavailable ARTEMISIA pycnocephala 'David's Choice'
Sandhill Sage

Perennial Subshrub: Coastal CA native. Deer and gopher resistant. Drought tolerant. Fire retardant. Nice border plant. Combines nicely with lavenders. Foliage: white, wooly with yellow flowers. Bloom time: spring-summer. Size: 1-2' x 2'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z3.

ASCLEPIAS fascicularis, Narrow Leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed ASCLEPIAS fascicularis
Narrow Leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed

Perennial Herb: Deciduous. Tolerates drought, clay, heat, & deer. California native. Sends up many thin, erect stems while bearing distinctive long pointed leaved which are narrow, often whorled about the stem. Produces clusters of 2" lavender or lavender tinted white flowers summer-fall. Important host plant for Monarch butterfly caterpillars & nectar source for other butterflies. Ht: 3'. Width: 3'. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6.

ASCLEPIAS fascicularis, Narrow Leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed ASCLEPIAS fascicularis
Narrow Leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed

Perennial Herb: Deciduous. Tolerates drought, clay, heat, & deer. California native. Sends up many thin, erect stems while bearing distinctive long pointed leaved which are narrow, often whorled about the stem. Produces clusters of 2" lavender or lavender tinted white flowers summer-fall. Important host plant for Monarch butterfly caterpillars & nectar source for other butterflies. Ht: 3'. Width: 3'. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6.

ASCLEPIAS fascicularis, Narrow Leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed ASCLEPIAS fascicularis
Narrow Leaf Milkweed, Mexican Whorled Milkweed

Perennial Herb: Deciduous. Tolerates drought, clay, heat, & deer. California native. Sends up many thin, erect stems while bearing distinctive long pointed leaved which are narrow, often whorled about the stem. Produces clusters of 2" lavender or lavender tinted white flowers summer-fall. Important host plant for Monarch butterfly caterpillars & nectar source for other butterflies. Ht: 3'. Width: 3'. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6.


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