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ASTER dumosus 'Alert' (syn. SYMPHYOTRICHUM dumosum 'Alert'), Aster ASTER dumosus 'Alert' (syn. SYMPHYOTRICHUM dumosum 'Alert')

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Deciduous. Good rock garden, border and cut flower plant. Attracts butterflies & bees. Pinch one-half of plant height before mid-July to allow plant to bush out. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: deep crimson red. Height: 1-1.5'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

ASTER dumosus Kickin 'Pink Chiffon' (syn. SYMPHYTOTRICHUM), Bushy Aster, Rice Button Aster ASTER dumosus Kickin 'Pink Chiffon' (syn. SYMPHYTOTRICHUM)
Bushy Aster, Rice Button Aster

Perennial: Deciduous. Drought, deer & rabbit resistant. The Kickin Series has a superb habit, is low maintenance, abundantly blooms and has a long bloom season. Good rock garden, border, container, mass planting, and cut flower plant. Attracts butterflies and bees. Blooms: spring-fall. Bloom color: pastel pink with yellow center. Compact, bushy and mounded. Height: 2-3 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. PPAF

ASTER dumosus Kickin 'Sapphire' (syn. SYMPHYTOTRICHUM dum. Kickin' 'Sapphire'), Bushy Aster, Rice Button Aster ASTER dumosus Kickin 'Sapphire' (syn. SYMPHYTOTRICHUM dum. Kickin' 'Sapphire')
Bushy Aster, Rice Button Aster

Perennial: Deciduous. Drought, deer & rabbit resistant. The Kickin Series has a superb habit, is low maintenance, abundantly blooms and has a long bloom season. Good rock garden, border, container, mass planting, and cut flower plant. Attracts butterflies and bees. Blooms: spring-fall. Bloom color: bluish purple with yellow center. Compact, bushy and mounded. Height: 2-3 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. PPAF

ASTER frikartii 'Moench'/'Monch', Frikart's Aster ASTER frikartii 'Moench'/'Monch'
Frikart's Aster

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Deciduous. Produces fragrant flowers 2-3". Good cut flower, border & rock garden plant. Resistant to insects & diseases. Himalayas native. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: lavender blue with yellow center. Size: 1-3' x 1.5'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z4.

ASTER lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' (SYMPHYOTRICHUM lateriflorus 'Lady in Black'), Aster ASTER lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' (SYMPHYOTRICHUM lateriflorus 'Lady in Black')

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Deciduous. Border, cut flower and rock garden plant with rich burgundy foliage that contrasts nicely to the tiny white daisies that contain round raspberry cones borne along the leaf axils. Very strong grower. Blooms: summer-fall. Size: 3-4' x 2'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable ASTER novae-angliae 'Grape Crush' (SYMPHYOTRICHUM novae-angliae Grape Crush')
New England Aster

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. An end of the season showstopper! Produces a large, very round mound with densely packed flowers. Attracts bees & butterflies. Nice cut flower, border, pot & rock garden plant. Bloom color: rich, dark purple. Bloom time: late summer-fall. Height: 26-30”. Width: 40-44”. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3. PPAF

Photo unavailable ASTER novae-angliae 'Pink Crush' (SYMPHYOTRICHUM novae-angliae 'Pink Crush')
New England Aster

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. An end of the season showstopper! Produces a large, very round mound with densely packed flowers. Attracts bees & butterflies. Nice cut flower, border, pot & rock garden plant. Bloom color: deep rose-pink. Bloom time: late summer-fall. Height: 20-24”. Width: 36”. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3. PPAF

Photo unavailable ASTILBE japonica 'Deutschland'
False Spiraea

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: pure white. Size: 1.5-2' x 1.5-2'. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable ASTILBE japonica 'Europa'
False Spiraea

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: baby pink. Size: 1.5-2' x 1.5-2'. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable ASTILBE x arendsii 'Amethyst'
False Spirea

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: lavender. Size: 1.5-2' x 1.5-2'. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z4.

ASTILBE x arendsii 'Fanal', False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet ASTILBE x arendsii 'Fanal'
False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: red. Size: 2 feet x 3 feet. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z6.

ASTILBE x arendsii 'Peach Blossom', False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet ASTILBE x arendsii 'Peach Blossom'
False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: light pink. Size: 2' x 3'. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z6.

ASTILBE x arendsii 'Rheinland', False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet ASTILBE x arendsii 'Rheinland'
False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: deep rose. Size: 2' x 3'. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z6.

ASTILBE x arendsii 'White Gloria', False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet ASTILBE x arendsii 'White Gloria'
False Spiraea, Meadow Sweet

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Fern-like leaves carry clusters of tiny flowers in spring-summer. Good cut flower, border and woodland plant. Waterside is okay-tolerates bog. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: creamy white. Size: 2' x 3'. Exposure: light sun to shade. Water: moist. USDA Z6.

ATHYRIUM nipponicum 'Pictum' (A. goeringianum 'Pictum'), Japanese Painted Fern ATHYRIUM nipponicum 'Pictum' (A. goeringianum 'Pictum')
Japanese Painted Fern

Fern: Deciduous perennial. Native of Japan. Pink to burgundy stems carry soft gray-green leaves. The fronds grow to 1.5' long and plant makes a tight, slow spreading clump 1-2' high and 1.5' wide. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moist. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable BASIL 'Cinnamon'
Organic Cinnamon Basil

A truly cinnamon scented basil! The med. sized lvs are emerald green w/prpl stems & accents. Pleasingly strong aroma & flavor, this sweet basil adds a unique & zesty punch to a variety of dishes, teas & fruits. Can be cooked, used in arrangements or dried. Blm clr: pk. Ht: 12-18"+. Exp: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z3-9.(Maturity: 65 days)(Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon', O. b. var. Genovese 'Cinnamon', O. gratissimum)

BASIL 'Genovese', Organic Heirloom Basil BASIL 'Genovese'
Organic Heirloom Basil

Heirloom-Pesto lovers unanimously recommend 'Genovese' as the best variety for pesto due to its distinctively sweet flavor. Plants are strong producers of dk green, glossy lvs w/a characteristic spoon shape. Yields 7 to 8 cuttings. Though used mainly as a culinary herb, this basil has many therapeutic qualities as well. Biennial herb. Height: 18-24". Width: 15". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. (Maturity: 68 days)

Photo unavailable BASIL 'Holy' (Sacred, Tulsi, Monk's Basil)
Organic Holy Basil

Sacred Basil sets itself apart w/its pungent aroma & many medicinal properties. Whole lvs are crisp & clove flavored, very cooling in summer salads. Good flavoring vegetable in stir fry & steamed dishes. In additional to many nutritional values, it also has medicinal properties. Excellent pollen & nectar source for bees. Easy to grow. Height: 3 feet. Plant in sun/pt shade. An annual but will last longer w/regular pruning. (Maturity: 75 days)

Photo unavailable BASIL 'Lemon'
Organic Lemon Basil

A narrow leaf basil native to Southeast Asia with a delightfully strong aroma and lemony flavor. Delicious with fish and in salad dressings. Flowering stalks can be added to bouquets to lend a wonderful lemony fragrance. Small leaf variety. Biennial herb. Height: 18-30". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3-9. (Maturity: 60 days) (Ocimum basilicum citriodorum)

BASIL 'Magic Mountain' (OCIMUM basilicum 'Magic Mountain'), Organic Sweet, Common, or Ornamental Basil BASIL 'Magic Mountain' (OCIMUM basilicum 'Magic Mountain')
Organic Sweet, Common, or Ornamental Basil

Annual or Short-lived Perennial: Heat tolerant. One of the best ornamental basils & can be used for seasoning too. Highly aromatic with upright growth habit. Attractive purple veined dark green leaves have a mild flavor & can be used to flavor pesto, sauces, salads, & meat dishes. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Blooms: summer. Color: dark purple. Height: 24-36 in. Width: 12-15 in. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/moist. Less cold-sensitive than others. USDA Z9.

BASIL 'Red Rubin', Organic Basil BASIL 'Red Rubin'
Organic Basil

Ornamental appeal & intense, spicy flavor. Compact habit, handsome foliage, wonderful aroma & its flavorful lvs make it a must-grow for lovers of flavored vinegars & oils! Sweeter aroma & flavor than other purple basils. The lvs are smooth, flat, & large, about 3-4" long & borne very profusely on dense, full little plants a foot tall & 8-10" wide. Good choice when making infused oils. Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z3-9.


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