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PENSTEMON 'Midnight' Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: purple. Size: 2-4' x 1.5'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: dry. USDA Z8 or <. (syn. P. gloxinioides 'Midnight') |
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PENSTEMON 'Red Riding Hood' Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Native to the Rocky Mountains and southwest US. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: red. Height: 18". Spread: 24". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3. |
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PENSTEMON barbatus Rock Candy 'Blue' (= 'Novapenblu') Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Tolerates drought, heat, deer & fire. The Rock Candy Series is compact & has bold colors that are "sweet as candy, tough as nails!" Great in borders, rock gardens, along walkways, in pots & as a cut flower. Has bell-shaped bluish-purple blooms with white striped throats on compact flower spikes in spring-fall. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Ht: 12 in. Width: 12 in. Expos: sun/part shade. Water: dry. USDA Z5. PP #27,786 |
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PENSTEMON digitalis 'Blackbeard' Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers, fire and heat. Has the darkest foliage of any such hybrid! Border plant with burgundy red foliage maturing to dark black-purple. Clusters of tubular mauvy lavender flowers with a white throat attract butterflies & hummingbirds. Long lasting cut flower. Bloom time: summer. Size: 30-36" x 24"'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3. PPAF |
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PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Blue Springs' Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon Perennial: Evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. A seed strain from 1969 of the CA native P. heterophyllus. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Blooms: summer. Color: cobalt green buds open to vivid blue at maturity. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8. |
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PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Electric Blue' Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon Perennial: Evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. Of the California native P. heterophyllus. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Blooms: summer. Color: intense gentian blue. Height: 18 inches. Width: 18-24 inches. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8. |
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PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'GMR White' Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon Perennial: Evergreen. Related to CA native P. heterophyllus. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers, and fire. Border, container, and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: creamy buds open to white bells. Height: 18-30 inches. Width: 18-24 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6-10. |
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PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Magarita BOP' Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon Perennial: California native. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: sky blue-reddish purple. Height: 2'. Width: 3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate-dry. USDA Z6. |
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PENSTEMON hybrida 'Cherry Sparks' Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Evergreen. Drought & coast tolerant. Deer & gopher resistant. Fire retardant. This sterile variety is more heat tolerant & hardy than others w/dbl the bloom time! Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. A stand out in the garden or showy as a container combo. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: bright cherry red w/white throat. Height: 20". Spread: 20". Exp.: sun. Water: mod. USDA Z5. |
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PENSTEMON Rose Quartz ('Novapenros') Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Evergreen. Drought & coast tolerant. Deer & gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. A stand out in the garden or showy as a container combo. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: bright bubblegum-pink w/white throat. Height: 20-24". Spread: 18-20". Exposure.: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z6. PP27,919. |
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PENSTEMON x mexicali 'Pikes Peak Purple' Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom color: violet purple. Height: 15 inches. Width: 12 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. All Sunset zones. USDA Z8. |
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PENSTEMON x mexicali 'Red Rocks' Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue Perennial: Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom color: bright rose. Height: 15 inches. Width: 12 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. All Sunset zones. USDA Z8. |
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PEPEROMIA caperata 'Emerald' Evergreen houseplant. Bushy compact growth. Heart-shaped, dark green smooth leaves. White flower spikes appear at the ends of the red stems. Bright, indirect light. Water when soil dries out. Height: 8". |
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PEPEROMIA dolabriformis 'Firesparks' (syn. 'Fire Sparks') Prayer Plant, Prayer Pepper, Taco Plant Succulent Herb: Peru Native. Can grow outside or as a houseplant. Has small taco-shaped two-toned green leaves. Good container and hanging basket plant. Occasional flowers spikes emerge holding small green-white flowers. Height: 6-8 inches. Width: 6-8 inches. Exposure: indirect, filtered light. Does well in lower light conditions than others. Water when dry, do not overwater. USDA Z10-12. |
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PEPEROMIA quadrangularis (syn. P. angulata) Beetle Peperomia, Radiator Plant Succulent Herb: Central and South America native. Great as an indoor plant. This slow grower is compact and does not need much space inside. It looks great cascading down from a hanging basket. Can be grown as a ground cover outdoors. The green leaves have faint yellow veins and reddish stems. Rarely blooms. Height: 12 inches. Exposure: indirect, filtered light. Does well in lower light conditions than others. Water when dry, do not overwater. |
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PEPPER 'Chilhuacle Negro' Organic Mexican Pepper Rare Mexican pepper from the region of Oaxaca. Produces good yields of 3 Ÿ" long by 2 Œ" wide apple shaped peppers. Peppers are moderately hot, w/complex, deep, fruity taste & turn from green to chocolate brown when mature. The heat level is close to a Jalapeno. They are good for stuffing, drying into powders, chopped into stir-fry and excellent for making mole sauces. Ht.: 24-36". Full sun. 90 to 100 days to harvest. |
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PEPPER 'Shishito' Organic Japanese Pepper Prolific. Small, mild Japanese pepper that produces 2-4" fruits. Excellent for roasting, pan-frying and grilling. Usually harvested and used green but eventually turns orange with a sweeter flavor. Thin walls blister/char easily when roasted or grilled creating a rich flavor - delicious sprinkled with salt. Spreading habit. Days to maturity: 60 days green, 75 days red. (Capsicum annuum) |
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PEPPER, BELL 'Golden California Wonder' Organic Sweet Bell Pepper A beauty producing peppers of bright gold, changing to orange-red when mature. It has high yields and good fruit set in cool conditions. One of the best orange/yellow peppers available. The peppers are very sweet, have thick walls are average 4-6 in length. It is easy to grow. Plant in sun. Sturdy, upright 22-30 plants. (Maturity: 70-80 days) (Capsicum annuum Golden California Wonder) |
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PEPPER, BELL 'King of the North' Organic Pepper Reliable variety for short seasons. Sweet flavor. Improved strain, selected for a higher percentage of blocky, thick-walled, early ripening peppers, each w/three to four lobes. upright & strong, supporting heavy yields of fruits, 3-4 wide & 6 long, that turn green to glossy red. It makes a great stuffing pepper & is good raw for in salads and dips. Plant in sun. (Maturity: 57 days green, 68 red)(Capsicum annuum King of the North) |
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PEPPER, HOT 'Big Jim' Organic Hot Chile, New Mexico Pod Chile, Anaheim, California or Green Chile Pepp Heirloom, developed by NM State Uni. in 1975 to produce some of the largest peppers in the world! Often picked as green chiles which NM is known for; medium-hot, tapered pods are fleshy, flavorful, & 6-12" long & 2" at the shoulder. Uses: chile rellenos, grilling, & stuffing. Good in beds, pots, & greenhouses. 24-40 pods per plant. Deer, drought, & heat tolerant. Ht: 16-24". Exposure: sun. Matures: 70-100 days. 500-3,000 Scoville units. CAPSICUM annuum 'Big Jim' |
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PEPPER, HOT 'Biquinho Red' Organic Hot/Sweet Pepper, Sweety Drops, Little Beak, Chupetinho Heirloom. A high yielding pepper from Brazil & Peru with mild heat levels. The cute little 1" pepper pods taper to a point (like an inverted teardrop) and are bright red with a sweet, tropical fruity flavor with a hint of smokiness. They are great for pickling, garnishing, and eating raw. A valuable pepper to have as it can be used in many dishes. Ht: 2.5'. Maturity: 65-90 days. 500-1,000 Scoville heat units. CAPSICUM chinense 'Biquinho Red' (pronounded bee-KEE-nyo) |
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PEPPER, HOT 'Cayenne Thick' (syn. 'Long Red Thick', 'Large Red Thick') Organic Hot Cayenne Pepper The largest Cayenne pepper you can grow! It has thick walls that is good to use fresh, dried, pickled or in sauces. Produces long and curved peppers with strong spiciness. The peppers are 5-7" long and 1.25-1.5" wide. They have a thick flesh and wrinkled skin that is dark green and matures to deep red. Height: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun. Maturity: 65-80 days. 35,000-40,000 Scoville heat units. CAPSICUM annuum 'Cayenne Thick'. |