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Photo unavailable HYDRANGEA spp. 'Game Changer Giant Pink'
Big Leaf, Garden, Florist or French Hydrangea

Shrub: Deciduous. Lacecap type. Sun, deer & gopher tolerant. This series is the 1st & only one to be daylength neutral & needs no chilling - so it blooms earlier & longer than others & on new wood. Uses: landscape, pot, border, woodlands. The giant flowers make good cut flowers, fresh or dried. Attracts butterflies, hummers & pollinators. Blooms: spring-fall, bubble gum pink. Ht: 2-4 ft. W: 2-3 ft. Sun on coast, part shade inland. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

HYLOTELEPHIUM 'Autumn Joy' ('Herbstfreude') (syn. SEDUM), Stonecrop HYLOTELEPHIUM 'Autumn Joy' ('Herbstfreude') (syn. SEDUM)

Perennial: Tolerates deer, fire, drought & coast. Deciduous. Good in borders, rock gardens and containers. Clustered flower heads attract butterflies & make good cut flowers. Bloom time: autumn. Bloom color: pink. Ht: 1-2'. W: 1-2'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z3. (SEDUM telephium x S. spectabile is now HYLOTELEPHIUM)

HYPERICUM inodorum Globo 'Burgundy', Globo Series Hypericum, St. Johns Wort HYPERICUM inodorum Globo 'Burgundy'
Globo Series Hypericum, St. Johns Wort

Shrub: Deciduous. Tolerates drought, deer and rabbit. The Globo series is bred for big berries and high rust and nematode tolerance. The shiny burgundy berries are a perfect addition to bouquets. Blooms and berries attract bees, birds and other wildlife. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 24-28 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6.

HYPERICUM inodorum Globo 'Champagne', Globo Series Hypericum, St. Johns Wort HYPERICUM inodorum Globo 'Champagne'
Globo Series Hypericum, St. Johns Wort

Shrub: Deciduous. Tolerates drought, deer and rabbit. The Globo series is bred for big berries and high rust and nematode tolerance. The shiny white berries are a perfect addition to bouquets. Blooms and berries attract bees, birds and other wildlife. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 24-28 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z6.

Photo unavailable HYPERICUM Magic Marbles 'Red'
St. Johns Wort

Shrub: Produces beautiful ornamental berries. Bright golden-yellow flowers appear in summer followed by large red berries though the fall season. The berries are wonderful in fresh-cut flower arrangements. Attracts butterflies and birds. Great landscape, border or container plant. Well-branching, vigorous growth habit. Height: 24-32 inches. Width: 24-32 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

HYPOESTES phyllostachya 'Confetti Compact Mix', Polka Dot Plant, Measles Plant, Flamingo Plant, Freckle Face, Pink Dot HYPOESTES phyllostachya 'Confetti Compact Mix'
Polka Dot Plant, Measles Plant, Flamingo Plant, Freckle Face, Pink Dot

Evergreen Subshrub: Tolerates deer, heat, & humidity. Confetti Compact's habit & decorative foliage make it a great choice as an indoor potted plant & as a component in mixed containers. This series works well in containers, baskets, beds, indoors as well as outdoors. The foliage has contrasting dots that splash the foliage. Foliage: a mix of pink, red, green or white. Ht: 4-6 in. Width: 4-6 in. Exposure: sun/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z10-11.

Photo unavailable HYSSOPUS officinalis
Organic Hyssop

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Mint family, w/bright blue-violet flowers. Popular ornamental for the perennial bed w/flower spikes summer-fall. Aromatic. Medicinal uses: tea has a soothing quality, use dried leaves. Use for colds, flu, bronchitis, sore throat, bruises, burns. The fresh leaves & flowers are used fresh as a seasoning. Attracts butterflies. Height: 1.5-2'. Width: 1-1.5'. Sun/light shade. Tolerates some drought, does best w/moderate water. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable IMPERATA cylindrica 'Rubra'/ 'Red Baron'
Japanese Blood Grass

Perennial Grass: Deciduous. Deer resistant. Spreading growth habit. Tolerates light woodland setting. Good in borders, creates a nice look when the sun shines through the rich foliage! The top half of each stem is a rich blood red. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Height: 1-3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USD Z8.

IPOMOEA batatas 'Blackie', Sweet Potato Vine IPOMOEA batatas 'Blackie'
Sweet Potato Vine

Tuberous perennial: Does produce edible tubers but mainly grown for ornamental uses. Has near black foliage & stems w/ trumpet shaped lavender to purple blooms in summer. Attracts hummers. Pot, window box & hanging basket plant. Climbing & vining growth: 6-10" x 18-24". Exposure: sun. Water: mod/dry. Deer & drought tolerant. USDA Z9-12.

IPOMOEA batatas 'Margarita', Sweet Potato Vine IPOMOEA batatas 'Margarita'
Sweet Potato Vine

Tuberous perennial: Does produce edible tubers but mainly grown for ornamental uses. Has heart-shaped chartreuse foliage with trumpet shaped lavender to purple blooms in summer. Attracts hummingbirds. Pot, window box & hanging basket plant. Vigorous & vining: 6-10" x 18-24". Sun. Water: mod/dry. Deer & drough tolerant. USDA Z9-12.

Photo unavailable IPOMOEA batatas Sweet Georgia 'Pulse Black' (syn. 'Black Pulse')
Sweet Potato Vine

Tuberous Perennial: The Sweet Georgia series has a uniform, compact growing habit. Does produce edible tubers, but mainly grown for ornamental uses. Has heart shaped black foliage and trumped shaped flowers in summer. Attracts hummingbirds. Container, window box, and hanging basket plant. Height: 8-20 inches. Width: 24-30 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade.. Water: moderate/dry. Deer & drought tolerant. USDA Z9-12.

Photo unavailable IRIS 'High McClough'
IRIS sibirica 'Caesar's Brother', Siberian Iris IRIS sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'
Siberian Iris

Perennial: Deciduous. Drought, coast and bog tolerant. Deer resistant. A beardless iris with upright grass-like foliage. Good for borders, accenting and as a cut flower. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: dark blue. Height: 24-42 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3-9.

ISOTOMA fluviatais 'Blue Star Creeper', ISOTOMA fluviatais 'Blue Star Creeper'

Perennial: Deer resistant & drought tolerant. A fast growing ground cover that is very easy to grow. Can tolerate heavy foot traffic. Great for pathways, rock walls, around pools, stepping stones, etc. A very good lawn substitute. Foliage: small green leaves. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: light blue. Height: 2-4". Spread: 12-18" Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z6.

JAMESBRITTENIA Stardom 'Goldstar' (Sutera cordata), Bacopa JAMESBRITTENIA Stardom 'Goldstar' (Sutera cordata)

Subshrub: Grown as an annual: Heat tolerant. Produces countless 1” flowers that smother the plant making it a big impact in the garden in a small footprint. Good border, container, window box, and hanging basket plant. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: sunny yellow. Height: 6-8 inches. Width: 10-14 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z10.

Photo unavailable JUNCUS effusus 'Quartz Creek'
Soft Rush (Ornamental Grass)

Perennial: Pest & disease free. Narrow, soft, round stems & vertical, upright divergent growth. Medium-green foliage turns yellowish brown after the 1st frost. Flowers are held at stem tips in early summer. Also good for pots & water settings. Tolerates deer, gopher, bog & clay. Height: 15-24". Exposue: sun/part shade. Water: moist. USDA Z4-11.

Photo unavailable JUNCUS inflexus 'Blue Arrows'
Blue Arrows Rush

Perennial: Deer, drought & gopher resistant. Narrow straight grey-blue leaves in stiff clumps, ideal for containers to provide structure. Goes perfectly beside a pool, pond, or stream where its reflection captures the mood of an aquatic paradise. Winter interest (regional), colorful/attractive foliage, heat tolerant, low maintenance, frost tolerant. Height: 36". Spread: 12". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate-moist. USDA Z5.


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