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TEUCRIUM flavum, Yellow Germander TEUCRIUM flavum
Yellow Germander

Shrub: Evergreen sub-shrub. Drought tolerant. Mediterranean native. Has aromatic, lightly haired green foliage. A good shrub for the dry garden on sunny slopes, rockeries, borders, & containers. Has medicinal properties. Blooms: spring-summer. Bloom color: creamy yellow. Compact, mounding forming. Height: 6-12". Width: 18-30". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7. (formally labeled as TEUCRIUM chamaedrys 'Alba').

TEUCRIUM fruticans 'Curacao' (= 'Ventecu'), Bush Germander, Shrubby Germander TEUCRIUM fruticans 'Curacao' (= 'Ventecu')
Bush Germander, Shrubby Germander

Perennial shrub: Drought, disease, deer and coast tolerant. Tough evergreen low hedge, border and topiary plant with olive-like silvery blue-gray foliage. Attracts butterflies. Thin in late winter. Has larger and bluer flowers than others. Smaller than Teucrium 'Azureum'. Bloom time: autumn and spring. Bloom color: electric blue. Height: 32 inches. Width: 32 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

Photo unavailable THYME 'Cascata Lemonade'
Organic Lemonade Scented Thyme

Perennial Herb: Drought & coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. This variety tastes & smells like lemonade & one can even make lemonade from it! Culinary use fresh or dried. Great component for smaller gardens & would make a great hanging basket plant with its trailing habit. Blooms: summer. Blm color: pk. Height: 4". Exp.: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z5. (THYMUS x citriodorus 'Cascata Lemonade')

Photo unavailable THYME 'Orange'
Organic Orange Scented Thyme

Perennial Herb: Drought tolerant. Native to the Mediterranean. Aromatic grey-green spicy orange-scented foliage. Culinary use fresh or dried. Nice strong citrus tang without any bitter aftertaste. Use with fish/poultry or in soups/stews. Great for growing indoors. Good border, container & rock garden plant. Attracts butterflies & bees. Blooms: spring-summer. color: pale mauve pink. Size: 6-12" x 6-12". Exp: sun. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z5-10. (THYMUS fragrantissimus)

Photo unavailable THYME English
Organic Thyme

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought & coast resistant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Makes a beautiful border along herb & flower beds growing to about 6-12”. Very versatile culinary staple, can successfully flavor any meat & vegetable dish. Winter hardy, does well in cool regions. Attract butterflies. Blm time: summer-fall. Blms: white to lavender-pk. Exp.: sun. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z4. (Maturity: 90 days)

Photo unavailable THYME Lemon (THYMUS x citriodorus (Lemon))
Organic Lemon Scented Thyme

Perennial Herb: Drought and coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Upright green foliage with a strong lemon scent. Culinary use fresh or dried. Good border, rock garden and container plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: pale pink. Size: 10-12" x 24". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z5-9.

THYMUS 'Doone Valley', Thyme THYMUS 'Doone Valley'

Pern'l Herb: Tolerates drought, deer, coast & light foot traffic. Somewhat gopher resistant. Strong lemon scented deep green foliage has a gold edge in winter-spring. Uses: ground cover, border, pot, rock garden & garnish. Attracts butterflies. Pink blooms in spring-summer. Matting: H: 2-4". W: 18-24". Flowers to 3-6" tall. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z5.

THYMUS herba-barona, Caraway Thyme THYMUS herba-barona
Caraway Thyme

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Nice border, container and rock garden plant. Excellent seasoning-use as a substitute for Caraway seeds. Use fresh or dried. Good in veggie dishes. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: rose pink. Ground cover. Height: 2-5". Spread: 8-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable THYMUS nummularius (Pizza Thyme)
Pizza Thyme

Subshrub: Evergreen. Good ground cover, border, container & rock garden plant. Culinary uses-great for seasoning Italian & savory dishes. The lvs have the flavor of thyme & oregano, cooks love its robust flavor. The aromatic dk green lvs smell like pizza herbs. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: summer. Color: pink. Ht.: 6-12". Width: 9-12". Exp.: sun. Water: mod./dry. USDA Z7. (syn. T. buschianus, pseudonummularius, pesudopulegioides)

THYMUS praecox 'Albiflorus', White Creeping or Moss Thyme THYMUS praecox 'Albiflorus'
White Creeping or Moss Thyme

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought, coast, deer & rabbit resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Low growing & mat forming. Uses: lawn sub, ground cover, rock garden, edger or filler. Attracts bees, butterflies & other pollinators. Has small light gray-green leaves with a spicy fragrance. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: snow white. Height: 1-3". Width: 12-18". Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z4.

THYMUS praecox 'Coccineus' (syn. T. ser. v. coc. 'Red Creeping', T. s. 'Minor'), Red Creeping, Red Flowered, or Wild Thyme, Creeping Thyme Coccineus Group THYMUS praecox 'Coccineus' (syn. T. ser. v. coc. 'Red Creeping', T. s. 'Minor')
Red Creeping, Red Flowered, or Wild Thyme, Creeping Thyme Coccineus Group

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought, coast, deer & rabbit resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. One of the most vividly colored Thymes. Mat forming. Uses: lawn sub, ground cover, rock garden, edger or filler. Attracts bees, butterflies & pollinators. The fragrant, small blue-green leaves have a slightly hairy texture; the plant oils are used medicinally. Blooms: spring-summer. Color: crimson magenta. Size: 2-4" x 12-48". Exposure: sun. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z4.


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