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Photo unavailable TRADESCANTIA 'Pistachio White' (syn. SETCREASEA)
Inch Plant, Spiderwort, White Zebra

Perennial: Nat’l Garden Bureau Green Thumb Award 2023. Foliage: pistachio green with white stripes. Trailing habit: let spill over pots or grow up trellises. Use as a ground cover, in beds, or in rock & tropical gardens & as a houseplant. Blooms: purple-white flowers in summer. Ht: 2-12 in. Width: 12-30 in. Exposure: part shade. Indoors: Bright, indirect light. Water: water when top Œ"-œ" of soil feels dry. USDA Z9-10. Toxic if ingested, use caution with children & pets. (= 'Tpiwho101', T. albiflora 'Pistachio White').

TRADESCANTIA andersoniana 'Gold' (syn. SETCREASEA), Spiderwort, Spider Lily TRADESCANTIA andersoniana 'Gold' (syn. SETCREASEA)
Spiderwort, Spider Lily

Perennial: Has pretty golden foliage. Good pot, border, mass planting, pond edge, cut flower, & woodland garden plant. Attracts bees, butterflies, & hummingbirds. Deadhead to encourage more blooms. Spiderwort comes from the stem secretion that is produced when the stem is cut; It hardens and becomes threadlike and resembles a spiders web. Blooms: spring-fall. Color: lavender purple. Ht: around 2 ft. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z4-9.

Photo unavailable TRADESCANTIA pallida 'Pink Stripes' (syn. SETCREASEA)
Pink Stripes Wandering Jew, Spiderwort , Purple Heart

Perennial: Deer, drought and heat tolerant. Native to Mexico. This trailer has narrow, pointed, succulent-like purple leaves striped with bright pink. Leaf color varies with the amount of sun and water-most vibrant with the most light. Can be used as a houseplant, spilling over containers, as a ground cover, in beds or in rock and tropical gardens. Bloom time: summer. Height: 1 foot. Width: 2-4 feet. Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

Photo unavailable TRADESCANTIA pallida 'Purple Heart' (syn. SETCREASEA)
Purple Wandering Jew, Spiderwort, Purple Heart

Perennial: Deer, drought and heat tolerant. Native to Mexico. This trailer has narrow, pointed, succulent-like purple leaves with pale pink flowers. Can be used as a houseplant, spilling over containers, as a ground cover, in beds or in rock and tropical gardens. Bloom time: summer. Height: 1 foot. Width: 2-4 feet. Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7. (syn. TRADESCANTIA pallida 'Purple Queen').

Photo unavailable TRADESCANTIA pallida 'Purple Variegata' (syn. SETCREASEA)
Wandering Jew, Striped Spiderwort, Striped Purple Heart

Perennial: Deer, drought and heat tolerant. Native to Mexico. This trailer has narrow, pointed, succulent-like purple leaves with a range of pink striping and lavender-pink flowers. Can be used as a houseplant, spilling over containers, as a ground cover, in beds or in rock and tropical gardens. Bloom time: summer. Height: 1 foot. Width: 2-4 feet. Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

TRADESCANTIA spacthacea 'Tricolor' (syn. SETCREASEA), Moses-in-the-Cradle/Basket, Boat Lily, Rainbow/Oyster Plant TRADESCANTIA spacthacea 'Tricolor' (syn. SETCREASEA)
Moses-in-the-Cradle/Basket, Boat Lily, Rainbow/Oyster Plant

Perennial: Evergreen. Heat & drought tolerant. Three-toned leaves of green, cream and pink with pinkish purple undersides. Great for containers and borders. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: white. Clump forming. Height: 15 inches. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9. Indoors as a houseplant: Provide indirect, bright light. Water when dry. All parts are poisonous, use caution with sap, humans and pets.

Photo unavailable TRADESCANTIA zebrina
Wandering Jew

Herbaceous perennial: Trailing habit with an upper layer that has beautiful purple/green leaves with wide silver stripes & magenta underneath. Traditionally a houseplant, it can be grown outside in warmer climates in bright, indirect sunlight. Soil: moist. Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Toxic to humans/ animals if ingested. Bloom time: flowers freely. Height: 6-9". Width: 12-24". USDA Z9.

Photo unavailable TRICHOSTEMA lanatum
Woolly Blue Curls

Shrub: Evergreen. Native to dry slopes, south coast ranges of California. Fuzzy violet-blue spikes spring-fall with narrow aromatic leaves. Both the flower & foliage are sweetly fragrant like freshly cut cedar with a hint of lavender. Excellent cut flower. Height: 3-4'. Width: 4-5'. Full sun. Needs good drainage. Hardy to 10 degrees F without freezing back & has been known to recover from the base at temperatures down to below zero.

TULBAGHIA violacea, Society Garlic TULBAGHIA violacea
Society Garlic

Perennial: Deer, fire and drought tolerant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Good border, container and rock garden plant. Flowers and leaves are garlic scented. Flowers can be used for seasoning. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: rose lavender. Size: 1-2' x 1-1.5'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

TULBAGHIA violacea 'Edinburgh' (formerly 'Big Violet'), Big Violet Society Garlic TULBAGHIA violacea 'Edinburgh' (formerly 'Big Violet')
Big Violet Society Garlic

Perennial: Deer, fire and drought tolerant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Good border, container and rock garden plant. This variety blooms continually from summer to frost. The spikes are 2 feet above the foliage, taller than the species. Flowers and leaves are garlic scented. Flowers can be used for seasoning. Blooms: summer-winter. Bloom color: rose lavender. Size: 1-2' x 1-1.5'. Exp.: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

TULBAGHIA violacea 'Emerisa White' (formerly 'White'), Society Garlic TULBAGHIA violacea 'Emerisa White' (formerly 'White')
Society Garlic

Perennial: Deer, fire and drought tolerant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Good border, container & rock garden plant. Flowers & leaves are garlic scented. Rare white form we selected out of a batch of purple ones. Flowers can be used for seasoning. Blooms: summer-fall. Bloom color: white. Size: 1-2' x 1-1.5'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z7.

TULBAGHIA violacea 'Silver Lace', Variegated Society Garlic TULBAGHIA violacea 'Silver Lace'
Variegated Society Garlic

Perennial: Deer, fire and drought tolerant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Good border, container and rock garden plant. Flowers and leaves are garlic scented. Leaves are green with a creamy stripe. Flowers can be used for seasoning. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: rose lavender. Size: 1-2' x 1-1.5'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

UNCINIA rubra 'Belinda's Find', Hook Sedge UNCINIA rubra 'Belinda's Find'
Hook Sedge

Grass-like Herb: Evergreen. Excellent woodland plant. A tuft-forming New Zealand perennial with sharply pointed bronze foliage with rich cherry red leaf margins. A nice border or pot plant. Dark brown blooms in summer. Height: 8". Spread: 10". Exposure: sun in cool climates/part shade to shade elsewhere. Water: mod/moist. Can grow in a pot standing in a saucer of water. USDA Z8-11. PP#21972.

VENEDIO arctotis 'Flame' (syn. ARCTOTIS x hybrida 'Flame'), African Daisy VENEDIO arctotis 'Flame' (syn. ARCTOTIS x hybrida 'Flame')
African Daisy

Perennial: Showy daisy-like flowers bloom in abundance over fuzzy gray foliage. Heat tolerant. Good in pots & borders. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: creamy orange. Size: 24" x 12". Light: likes hot, sunny locations. Water: keep somewhat on the dry side. Fertilizer: fertilize moderately with a balanced fertilizer. USDA Z9.

VENEDIO arctotis 'Wine' (syn. ARCTOTIS x hybrida 'Wine'), African Daisy VENEDIO arctotis 'Wine' (syn. ARCTOTIS x hybrida 'Wine')
African Daisy

Perennial: Showy daisy-like flowers bloom in abundance over fuzzy gray foliage. Heat tolerant. Good in pots & borders. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: deep pink. Size: 8-16" x 12". Light: likes hot, sunny locations. Water: keep somewhat on the dry side. Fertilizer: fertilize moderately with a balanced fertilizer. USDA Z9.

VERBENA 'Empress Flair Burgundy', Vervain, Empress Series VERBENA 'Empress Flair Burgundy'
Vervain, Empress Series

Perennial: Drought, cold and heat tolerant. Good for containers, window boxes, hanging baskets, borders and beds. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: deep maroon/ burgundy. Vigorous grower with a trailing growth habit. Height: 12-16". Width: 18-24". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8-11


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