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HELIANTHUS annuus Sol Seeker 'Honey', Sunflower HELIANTHUS annuus Sol Seeker 'Honey'

Annual: Drought, deer and heat tolerant. The Sol Seeker series features controlled growth, strong branching, loads of blooms on each plant, and requires less water than others. The 4" blooms make good cut flowers. Good border and container plant. Low maintenance. Attracts bees and butterflies. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: yellow with darker center and black eye. Height: 28-36 inches. Width: 24-36 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate.

HELIANTHUS annuus Sunfinity 'Double Yellow', Sunflower HELIANTHUS annuus Sunfinity 'Double Yellow'

Annual: Drought, deer & heat tolerant. The Sunfinity series features unmatched garden performance with continual flowering and a high resistance to powdery mildew throughout the summer season. Good border, container, & cut flower plant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Blooms: spring-fall. Color: double yellow. Naturally free-branching & re-blooming Height: 32-40 in. Width: 24-30 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z9.

HELIANTHUS x 'SunCatcher', SunCatcher Sunflower HELIANTHUS x 'SunCatcher'
SunCatcher Sunflower

Perennial: Tolerates dry soil, drought, deer and rabbits. Attracts birds, bees and butterflies. Good border, container and cut flower plant. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: yellow with fuzzy brown centers. Mounded and multi-branched growth habit. Height: 4 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

HELICHRYSUM argyrophyllum 'Moe's Gold', Licorice Plant HELICHRYSUM argyrophyllum 'Moe's Gold'
Licorice Plant

Shrub: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Fire retardant. Fast growing plant that is good for pots, banks, borders & as a ground cover. Striking silvery-grey wooly leaves. Makes an excellent accent plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: creamy yellow. Height: 18-24". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9.

HELICHRYSUM petiolare 'Limelight', Licorice Plant HELICHRYSUM petiolare 'Limelight'
Licorice Plant

Shrub: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Fire retardant. Fast growing plant that is good in containers and as a bank and ground cover plant. Striking hairy lime-green leaves. Excellent accent plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: pale yellow. Height: to 4 feet. Width: 3-4 feet. Exposure: part sun/shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9.

HELICHRYSUM petiolare 'Petite Licorice', Licorice Plant HELICHRYSUM petiolare 'Petite Licorice'
Licorice Plant

Shrub: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Fire retardant. Compact variety with tiny silver-green leaves. Good in containers, beds, borders and window boxes. Excellent accent plant. Attracts butterflies. Size: 8-10" x 8-10". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9.

Photo unavailable HELICTOTRICHON sempervirens
Blue Oat Grass

Perennial Grass: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Fire retardant. Evergreen in warm winter climates. Clumping habit. Good for borders and gravel plantings. Attractive throughout the summer and fall. Bloom time: summer. Attracts butterflies. Foliage color: blue gray. Height: 2 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

HELIOPSIS hybrid 'Punto Russo' (syn. H. helianthoides 'Punto Russo'), False Sunflower, Smooth Ox-eye, Sunflower Heliopsis HELIOPSIS hybrid 'Punto Russo' (syn. H. helianthoides 'Punto Russo')
False Sunflower, Smooth Ox-eye, Sunflower Heliopsis

Perennial: Drought and deer resistant. North American native. Large, bright golden-yellow daisy flowers appear from summer until frost and contrast nicely with the dark foliage. Perfect for smaller spaces in the garden or for combination containers. Strong stems are excellent for cutting. Attracts bees, butterflies & birds. An undemanding plant. Height: 18-24 inches. Width: 16-20 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Album', Common Heliotrope HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Album'
Common Heliotrope

Perennial Shrub: Deer resistant. An unusual white form with very fragrant, vanilla-scented clusters of flowers. Good in borders, beds, window boxes & pots. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: summer-fall. Color: white (sometimes will have a lavender tinge). Height: 2 feet (taller in mild climates). Exposure: sun. Water: moderate (avoid overwatering). USDA Z10.

HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Fragrant Delight', Heliotrope HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Fragrant Delight'

Perennial Shrub: Deer resistant. Evergreen bushy plant with fragrant navy blue flowers from late spring to winter. Good for borders, beds, window boxes and containers. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: navy blue. Height: 15 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate (avoid overwatering). USDA Z10.

Photo unavailable HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Marine'

Perennial Shrub: Deer resistant. Evergreen plant with fragrant clusters of blooms. Good in containers, beds, windox boxes and borders. Can train into a standard. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: deep violet blue. Height: 15". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate (avoid overwatering). USDA Z10.

HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Midnight Sky', Heliotrope HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Midnight Sky'

Perennial Shrub: Deer resistant and drought tolerant. Evergreen bushy plant with fragrant royal blue flowers from late spring to winter. Good for borders, beds, window boxes and containers. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom color: royal blue. Height: 10-12 inches. Spread: 10-12 inches. Exposure: full sun. Water: moderate (avoid overwatering). USDA Z10.

HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Poseidon' (syn. 'Poseidon Blue', 'Weshebl'), Common Heliotrope HELIOTROPIUM arborescens 'Poseidon' (syn. 'Poseidon Blue', 'Weshebl')
Common Heliotrope

Perennial Shrub: Tolerates drought, deer and heat. A compact variety with very fragrant clusters of flowers. Good in borders, beds, hanging baskets, window boxes and containers. Attracts butterflies and pollinators. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: deep purple-blue. Height: 10-14 inches. Width: 12-14 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate (avoid overwatering). USDA Z9-11.

HELLEBORUS 'Ivory Prince', Lenten Rose HELLEBORUS 'Ivory Prince'
Lenten Rose

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought & clay tolerant. Deer resistant. Rich burgundy pink buds open in late winter to reveal green-tinted ivory petals that age to rose. They are outward facing & open flat for best display. Float flowers in clear bowls for an elegant centerpiece. Good cut flower, woodland, border & rock garden plant. Blm time: winter-spring. Size: 12-18" x 12-18". Exp: pt shade/shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4. PP# 16199 (syn. ('Walhelivor')

Photo unavailable HELLEBORUS foetidus
Foetid Hellebore

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought and clay tolerant. Deer resistant. Good cut flower, woodland, border and rock garden plant. Bloom time: winter-spring. Produces pendulous pale green flowers with rose margins. Height: 12-18 inches. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

HELLEBORUS Frostkiss 'Anna's Red' (='Abcrd02'), Lenten Rose HELLEBORUS Frostkiss 'Anna's Red' (='Abcrd02')
Lenten Rose

Perennial: Evergreen, Drought, clay & deer tolerant. One of the most exciting new Hellebores on the market! Bears a profusion of large, forward-facing, cup-shaped blooms of deep, rich burgundy over marbled cream and dk. green leaves. Good cut flower, woodland, rock garden, and border plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: early spring. Height: 12-24 inches. Width: 12-24 inches. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. PP #24,720

Photo unavailable HELLEBORUS Frostkiss 'Bayli's Blush'
Lenten Rose

Perennial: Evergreen. Deer and rabbit resistant. Drought and clay tolerant. One of the most exciting new Hellebores on the market! Profusion of large, forward-facing, cup-shaped blms of lavender-pink blush and creamy white w/beautiful marbled foliage, intensifies in color in spring/early summer. Good cut flower, woodland, rock garden & border plant. Blms: early spring. Size: 18" x 24". Exp.: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. PPAF

HELLEBORUS Frostkiss 'Charmer' (= 'Epb 21'), Lenten Rose HELLEBORUS Frostkiss 'Charmer' (= 'Epb 21')
Lenten Rose

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought, clay, & deer tolerant. Frostkiss is hardy, long-flowering, colorful, has marbled foliage, & heat tolerant. Bears a profusion of large, forward-facing, cup shaped pink blooms that are heavily speckled red over beautiful black-green foliage w/ silver veins. Good cut flower, woodland, rock garden & border plant. Blooms: early spring. Size: 14" x 20". Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. PP #29,873


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