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Photo unavailable CALLISTEMON viminalis 'Scarlet Flame' (='CC19')

Shrub: Evergreen. Deer and drought tolerant. A fine leafed and more compact selection of 'Captain Cook'. Has beautiful rustic red new growth. Great for mass plantings, hedges and foundation plantings. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: scarlet. It is self cleaning after flowering. Height: 4-5 feet. Width: 3.5 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z9. PP #25,023

Photo unavailable CALYLOPHUS drummondianus
Sundrops, Square Bud Primrose

Perennial: Texas native. Deciduous. A good border plant with sweet cup-shaped blooms from spring to fall. Shear in spring just before new growth begins. Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: yellow, 4 petaled. Height: 1.5 feet. Width: 2 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6. (syn. C. drummondii)

CAMPANULA 'Birch Hybrid', Dwarf Bellflower, Birch's Bellflower CAMPANULA 'Birch Hybrid'
Dwarf Bellflower, Birch's Bellflower

Perennial: Deer resistant. Dwarf hybrid cross between C. portenschlagiana and poscharskyana. Evergreen woodland, rock garden, edging or small scale ground cover plant. Produces clusters of fluted bell-shaped flowers that are held on semi-erect stems and make good cut flowers. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: purple blue. Height: 6-8". Width: 18-24". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

CAMPANULA garganica 'Dickson's Gold', Bellflower CAMPANULA garganica 'Dickson's Gold'

Perennial: Deer resistant. Woodland, rock garden and edging plant. Distinct yellow foliage is golden in summer sun. The flat star-shaped flowers are like a miniature C. poscharskyana. Very slow growing. Good cut flower. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: violet blue. Ht: 3-6". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

CAMPANULA persicifolia, Peach-Leafed Bluebell CAMPANULA persicifolia
Peach-Leafed Bluebell

Perennial: Deer resistant. Woodland, rock garden and border plant. Produces open cup shaped flowers on erect stems that are good for cutting. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: blue. Height: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USA Z3.

CAMPANULA portenschlagiana (syn. C. muralis), Dalmatian Bellflower CAMPANULA portenschlagiana (syn. C. muralis)
Dalmatian Bellflower

Perennial: Deer resistant. Evergreen woodland, rock garden, edging or small scale ground cover plant. Produces bell shaped flowers that are held on semi-erect stems and make good cut flowers. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: violet blue. Height: 6-9 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

CAMPANULA poscharskyana, Serbian Bellflower CAMPANULA poscharskyana
Serbian Bellflower

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Coastal tolerant. Woodland, rock garden, border and ground cover plant. Semi-upright stems carry star shaped flowers and make nice cut flowers. Spreads nicely. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: blue. Height: 1-2 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

CAMPANULA poscharskyana 'Alba', Serbian Bellflower CAMPANULA poscharskyana 'Alba'
Serbian Bellflower

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Coastal tolerant. Woodland, rock garden, border and ground cover plant. Semi-upright stems carry star shaped flowers and make nice cut flowers. Spreads nicely. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: white. Height: 1-2 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

CAMPANULA poscharskyana Blue Waterfall (='Camgood'), Serbian Bellflower CAMPANULA poscharskyana Blue Waterfall (='Camgood')
Serbian Bellflower

Perennial: Tolerates drought, deer and coast. Woodland, rock garden, border, ground cover, container, rock wall and hanging basket plant. Has a low and spreading growth habit that is great for trailing. The blue star shaped flowers make nice cut flowers. Blooms: summer-fall. H: 6-10". W: 18-24" Sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4. PP#13161

Photo unavailable CAMPANULA rotundifolia
Bluebell of Scotland, Harebell, Bellflower

Perennial: Drought tolerant. California Native. Woodland, rock garden, coastal garden, container and border plant. Produces bell shaped, upright to nodding flowers that are held on erect stems. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: deep blue. Clump forming. Height: 6-18 inches. Spread: 12-15 inches. Exposure: sun to light shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z3.

CANTALOUPE 'Honey Rock' (aka 'Sugar Rock') (CUCUMIS melo 'Honey Rock'), Organic Heirloom Cantaloupe CANTALOUPE 'Honey Rock' (aka 'Sugar Rock') (CUCUMIS melo 'Honey Rock')
Organic Heirloom Cantaloupe

1925 Watt Richardson intro.1933 AAS Winner.1936 Henry A Dreer Seed Co. stated: "This new muskmelon is outstanding for the delicious sweetness & rich aroma of its tender, luscious, salmon-colored flesh. The fruits are almost round. They are of medium size but have extremely thick flesh surrounding the small seed cavity. The skin of the heavy fruits is a gray-green color showing a rough netting.” Vigorous & wilt resistant. Yields 5-7, 3-7 lb fruits. Mature: 75-90 days.

Photo unavailable CARDOON 'Ivory White' (CYNARA cardunculus)
Heirloom Cardoon, Cardo Bianco Avoria, Artichoke Thistle

Cardoon is the untamed predecessor of the domesticated artichoke & grown for its artichoke flavored leaf stems & ornamentally for their stately look & big purple flowers. Has whitish-green stalks & gray-green leaves. The ribs are large & meaty. Use in soups, salads, & stews - can be sauteed, braised, roasted & broiled. Harvest when young to avoid bitterness. Fruits: 3-6 in. Ht: 3-4 ft. Width: up to 5 ft. Exposure: sun. Maturity: 120-150 days. (Non-GMO)

Photo unavailable CARDOON 'Pieno Inerme'
Organic Cardoon

Heirloom-favorite in Italy & Spain. Excellent variety w/thin ribs, almost no thorns & delicate flavor. Close relative of artichoke-both are members of the thistle family-but unlinke artichoke, the parts of cardoon that are eaten are the lvs & flower stalks, not the flower bud. The stalks are blanched & eaten fresh like celery; also tasty batter-dipped & fried. Growth: 4' x 2'. Tolerates part shade but does best in full sun. (Maturity: 63 days)

CAREX 'Feather Falls' (='ET CRX01', C. hybrida 'Feather Falls'), Variegated Japanese Sedge CAREX 'Feather Falls' (='ET CRX01', C. hybrida 'Feather Falls')
Variegated Japanese Sedge

Grass-like Perennial: Drought, deer & bog tolerant. Versatile and vigorous. Evergreen border, ground cover, rock garden & pot plant, foliage will spill over rocks and pots. Glossy, arching white and green variegated foliage. Tolerates sun without burning. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: spring. Bloom color: tan. Clump forming. Height: 12-18 inches. Width: 18-36 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. USPP #26,199

Photo unavailable CAREX 'Ribbon Falls'

Grass-like Perennial: Evergreen ornamental grass with upright, arching leaves that create a fountain-like effect. Deer, bog & drought tolerant. Good border, rock garden, container & poolside plant. Foliage color: green shades. Size: 12-18" x 15-18". Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: moderate-dry. USDA Z5.

CAREX divulsa, European Grey Sedge CAREX divulsa
European Grey Sedge

Grass-like Perennial: Drought, deer and bog tolerant. Clump-forming, evergreen ornamental grass. Very versatile in its use. Good ground cover under trees; tolerates abuse. Inconspicuous greenish flowers aging to brown. Attracts butterflies. Height: 18-24". Spread: 18-24". Exposure: sun or shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4. (we have been selling this plant as Carex species - Berkeley Sedge, for the last few years).

Photo unavailable CAREX flacca 'Blue Zinger'
Blue Sedge

Grass-like Perennial: Evergreen. Ornamental grass. Deer resistant. Bog tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Slightly larger and more upright than the species. Also holds its color a little better. Low, clumping ground cover, tolerates light traffic. Size: 1-2' x 1-2'. Exposure: shade/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z 5-9.


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