ISOTOMA axillaris Fizz n Pop 'Glowing Violet' (#ISOGLV4)

ISOTOMA axillaris Fizz n Pop 'Glowing Violet'

This plant is displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell it.

Annual: Heat & drought tolerant. Native to Australia. A new series featuring nectar-rich blooms. Petals on the 1œ" flowers are nearly 3 x larger than the straight species. The five-petalled flowers shine iridescent violet-purple w/bright yellow eye atop cut feathery, mid-grn foliage w/ a tight, compact & rounded habit. Slightly fragrant. Good pollinator, container, basket & edging plant for the summer garden. Size: 1' x 1-2'. Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod.

Available sizes

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