HYDRANGEA macrophylla HI 'River' (#HYDRIV4)

HYDRANGEA macrophylla HI 'River'

This plant is displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell it.

Shrub: Mophead type. This one is a workhorse and this series is noted for strong stems, sturdy flowers, long shelf life & very good branching habit. Deciduous plant with large, rounded clusters of pink or blue flowers. Good cut flower (fresh or dried), border & pot plant. Blooms: summer-fall. Reblooms. Attracts butterflies. Mouding habit. Vigor: compact. Ht: 36-60 in. Width: 60-72 in. Tolerates deer & gophers. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6-9.

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