Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Tolerates deer, drought, fire, clay, foot traffic & poor soils. Somewhat gopher resistant. Of the California native, A. millefolium. The Galaxy series offer stronger stems & larger flowers. Pot, border, lawn sub, cut flower & rock garden plant. Green lvs. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: spring-fall w/3-5" heads of burgundy wine fading to mauve pink. Upright & clumping. Ht: 2-3'. Width: 2-3'. Sun/pt shade. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z3-10.
ACHILLEA 'Summerwine' (#ACHSUM1)
ACHILLEA 'Summerwine' (Galaxy Hybrid-A argyptiaca var. taygetea x millefolium)
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