Archived Plants List

The plants in this list are displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell them.

Botanical name Common name
LOBELIA 'California White' Edging Lobelia, Trailing Lobelia
LOBELIA 'Cranberry Crush' Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA 'Grape Knee-Hi' Cardinal Flower, Hybrid Lobelia
LOBELIA 'Techno Heat Dark Blue' Lobelia
LOBELIA 'Techno Heat Violet' Lobelia
LOBELIA 'Techno Heat White' Lobelia
LOBELIA chinensis Chinese Lobelia
LOBELIA erinus Glow 'Blue Volt' Glow Series Lobelia, Trailing or Edging Lobelia
LOBELIA erinus Glow 'Electric Blue' Glow Series Lobelia, Trailing or Edging Lobelia
LOBELIA erinus Glow 'White Lightning' Glow Series Lobelia, Trailing or Edging Lobelia
LOBELIA excelsa Chilean Lobelia, Devil's Tobacco
LOBELIA F1 hybrid 'Compliment Deep Red' F1 Hybrid Lobelia
LOBELIA hybrid 'Crimson Princess' Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA hybrid 'Rose Princess' Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA hybrid 'Scarlet Princess' Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA hybrid Laguna 'Compact Blue with Eye'
LOBELIA hybrid Laguna 'White'
LOBELIA laxiflora x linearis 'Helen Ewart'
LOBELIA richardii Edging Lobelia
LOBELIA siphilitica Great Lobelia, Cardinal Floweer
LOBELIA speciosa 'Starship Blue' Cardinal Flower, Starship Series Lobelia
LOBELIA tupa Devil's Tobacco
LOBELIA x speciosa 'Queen Victoria' Cardinal Flower
LOBULARIA maritima 'Deep Lavender Stream' Sweet Alyssum
LOBULARIA maritima 'Raspberry Stream' Sweet Alyssum
LOMANDRA confertifolia ssp. rubiginosa 'Pacific Sky'
LOMANDRA confertifoloia spp. rubiginosa 'Seascape'
LOMANDRA fluviatilis 'Shara'
LOMANDRA hystrix 'Tropic Belle'
LOMANDRA longifolia 'Breeze' Mat Rush
LOMANDRA longifolia 'Nyalla' Mat Rush
LONICERA 'Mandarin' Mandarin Honeysuckle
LONICERA nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' Box or Boxleaf Honeysuckle
LONICERA nitida 'Lemon Beauty' Box or Boxleaf Honeysuckle
LONICERA nitida 'Maigrun' Box or Boxleaf Honeysuckle
LONICERA nitida 'Red Tips' Box or Boxleaf Honeysuckle
LONICERA nitida 'Twiggy' Box or Boxleaf Honeysuckle
LONICERA periclymenum 'Serotina' Serotina Honey Suckle
LONICERA pileata Privet Honeysuckle
